SEO Trends for 2024: What You Need to Know to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of making your website rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing.

SEO is constantly evolving, as search engines update their algorithms and users change their preferences and behaviour.

To stay ahead of the curve, you need to keep up with the latest SEO trends and best practices.

  • User experience (UX): How to make your website fast, easy to use, and engaging for your visitors.
  • Mobile optimization: How to ensure your website is responsive and compatible with different devices and screen sizes.
  • Voice search optimization: How to optimize your content for voice queries and conversational tone.
  • Video content: How to create and optimize video content for SEO and user engagement.
  • AI and machine learning (ML): How to leverage AI and ML tools and insights for content creation and optimization.
  • E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness): How to establish and demonstrate your credibility and authority in your niche.
  • Schema markup: How to use structured data to enhance your website’s appearance and functionality on search engines.
  • Local SEO: How to optimize your website for local searches and customers.

In the ever-evolving landscape, IT companies are poised to navigate the intricate terrain of 2024’s SEO trends, where staying abreast of the latest advancements is paramount for online success.

By following these SEO trends, you will be able to improve your website’s performance, visibility, and relevance on search engines and attract more organic traffic and conversions. Let’s dive into each of these trends in detail.

User Experience (UX)

User experience is one of the critical factors in SEO. With 40% of users abandoning websites that take more than 3 seconds to load, optimizing for speed is no longer optional. Core Web Vitals, including Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and First Input Delay (FID), directly influence search rankings. Enhancing these aspects ensures a better user experience as well as a stronger SEO performance.

To improve your UX, you need to focus on the following elements:

  • Page speed: Use tools like PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse to measure and improve your page loading time, especially on mobile devices.
  • Site navigation: Make sure your website has a clear and intuitive structure, with easy-to-find menus, categories, and links. Use breadcrumbs, sitemaps, and internal links to help users and search engines navigate your site.
  • Content layout: Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, images, and white space to break up your content and make it easier to read and scan. Avoid pop-ups, ads, and other elements that may distract or annoy your visitors.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Use a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations. Avoid using flash, frames, and other elements that may not work well on mobile devices. To ensure compatibility and usability, test your website on various devices and browsers.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is essential for SEO in 2024, as more than half of the web traffic comes from mobile devices. Google has also switched to mobile-first indexing, which means it uses the mobile version of your website as the primary source for ranking and crawling.

To optimize your website for mobile, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • Responsive design: As mentioned above, use a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes and orientations. Make sure your website looks good and functions well on all devices, from smartphones to tablets to desktops.
  • Mobile usability: Use tools like Mobile-Friendly Test and Mobile Usability Report to check and fix any issues that may affect your mobile usability, such as font size, tap targets, viewport configuration, and content width.
  • Mobile content: Make sure your content is relevant, concise, and engaging for mobile users. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, images, and videos to convey your message and capture attention. Avoid using too much text, large files, and unnecessary elements that may slow down your page or clutter your screen.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is becoming more popular, especially among younger generations and smart speaker owners. According to a report by Juniper Research, voice-based ad revenue could reach $19 billion by 2024. Voice search is also different from traditional text-based search, as it tends to be more conversational, natural, and question-oriented.

To optimize your content for voice search, you need to adopt the following strategies:

  • Use long-tail keywords: Voice queries are usually longer and more specific than text queries, so you need to target long-tail keywords that match the user intent and context.
  • Optimize for featured snippets: Featured snippets are the boxes that appear at the top of the search results, providing a quick and direct answer to a query. Voice assistants often use featured snippets as the source for their answers, so you need to optimize your content to rank for them. Use clear and concise language, structured data, and proper formatting to increase your chances of getting featured.
  • Use schema markup: Schema markup is a code that helps search engines understand the content and structure of your website. By using schema markup, you can provide more information and context to your content, such as ratings, reviews, prices, availability, and locations. This can help you rank better for voice search, as voice assistants can use this data to provide more accurate and relevant answers.

Video Content

Video content is one of the most engaging and effective forms of content, as it can capture attention, convey emotions, and deliver information in a visual and auditory way. According to a report by Cisco, the video will account for 82% of all internet traffic by 2024. Video content can also boost your SEO, as it can increase dwell time, social shares, and backlinks.

To create and optimize video content for SEO, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose the right platform: Depending on your goals and audience, you can choose to host your videos on your website, on a third-party platform like YouTube or Vimeo, or both. Each option has its pros and cons, so you need to weigh them carefully and decide what works best for you.
  • Optimize your video title, description, and tags: Use relevant and catchy keywords in your video title, description, and tags, to help search engines and users understand what your video is about and why they should watch it. Use tools like [YouTube Keyword Tool] and [VidIQ] to find and analyze the best keywords for your video.
  • Add captions and transcripts: Captions and transcripts are the text versions of your video content, which can help you reach a wider and more diverse audience, including those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speak a different language. They can also help search engines index and rank your video content, as they provide more textual information and context. Use tools like [Rev] and [Otter] to create and edit captions and transcripts for your videos.
  • Embed and share your videos: Embed your videos on your website pages and blog posts, to enhance your content and increase your dwell time. Share your videos on your social media channels, email newsletters, and other platforms, to drive more traffic and engagement. Use tools like [Wistia] and [Vidyard] to embed and share your videos with analytics and customization features.

AI and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML are transforming SEO and content creation, as they can help you understand user intent, generate insights, and optimize your content. AI and ML can also help you automate and streamline your SEO tasks, such as keyword research, content analysis, link building, and reporting.

To leverage AI and ML for SEO and content creation, you can use the following tools and techniques:

  • Use AI-powered content tools: AI-powered content tools can help you create and optimize your content, by generating ideas, headlines, outlines, summaries, and more. They can also help you improve your content quality, readability, and relevance, by providing feedback, suggestions, and corrections. Some of the popular AI-powered content tools are [], [Jarvis], and [Frase].
  • Use AI-powered SEO tools: AI-powered SEO tools can help you perform and improve your SEO tasks, by providing data, insights, and recommendations. They can also help you monitor and measure your SEO performance, by providing reports, dashboards, and alerts. Some of the popular AI-powered SEO tools are [RankSense], [Market Brew], and [BrightEdge].
  • Use AI-powered content marketing platforms: AI-powered content marketing platforms can help you plan, execute, and optimize your content marketing campaigns, by providing a comprehensive and integrated solution. They can help you with every aspect of content marketing, from strategy and research to creation and distribution. Some of the popular AI-powered content marketing platforms are [HubSpot], [Contentful], and [Curata].

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, which are the three main factors that Google uses to evaluate the quality and credibility of a website and its content. E-A-T is especially important for websites that deal with topics that affect the health, safety, or well-being of users, such as health, finance, law, and news. These are known as YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) topics.

To improve your E-A-T, you need to demonstrate the following aspects:

  • Expertise: Show that you have the knowledge and skills to create high-quality and accurate content on your topic. You can do this by providing your credentials, qualifications, awards, and achievements, as well as showcasing your portfolio, testimonials, and reviews.
  • Authoritativeness: Show that you are a respected and recognized source of information and guidance on your topic. You can do this by building your online reputation, gaining positive ratings and feedback, and earning high-quality backlinks from other authoritative websites.
  • Trustworthiness: Show that you are a reliable and honest provider of content and services on your topic. You can do this by ensuring your website is secure, transparent, and updated, as well as providing clear and accurate information, contact details, and policies.

Schema Markup

Schema markup is a code that helps search engines understand the content and structure of the website. By using schema markup, you can provide more information and context to your content, such as ratings, reviews, prices, availability, and locations. This can help you enhance your website’s appearance and functionality on search engines, as it can generate rich snippets, knowledge panels, and other features that can increase your click-through rate and conversions.

To use schema markup, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose the right schema type: Depending on your website and content, you can choose from various schema types, such as articles, products, events, recipes, and more. You can use the [] website to find and explore the different schema types and properties available.
  • Generate the schema code: You can use tools like [Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper] and [Schema Markup Generator] to generate the schema code for your website and content. You can also use JSON-LD, which is the preferred format for schema markup by Google.
  • Implement and test the schema code: You can implement the schema code on your website by adding it to the HTML code of your pages, or by using plugins or extensions if you are using a CMS like WordPress or Shopify. You can also use tools like [Google’s Rich Results Test] and [Structured Data Testing Tool] to test and validate your schema code and see how it will appear on search engines.

Local SEO

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website for local searches and customers. Local SEO is crucial for businesses that have a physical location or serve a specific geographic area, as it can help them rank higher on local search results, maps, and directories, and attract more foot traffic and sales.

To optimize your website for local SEO, you need to focus on the following elements:

  • Google My Business (GMB): GMB is a free tool that allows you to create and manage your business profile on Google. By creating and optimizing your GMB profile, you can provide essential information about your business, such as name, address, phone number, website, hours, services, and photos. You can also interact with your customers, by responding to reviews, answering questions, and posting updates.
  • Local citations: Local citations are online mentions of your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on other websites, such as directories, social media, and review sites. By building and maintaining consistent and accurate local citations, you can improve your local SEO rankings, visibility, and reputation.
  • Local keywords: Local keywords are keywords that include a specific location or geographic modifier, such as “best pizza in Chennai” or “dentist near me”. By targeting and using local keywords in your website content, title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs, you can rank better for local searches and attract more relevant and qualified traffic.


SEO is a dynamic and evolving field, and you need to keep up with the latest trends and best practices to stay ahead of the curve. By following the SEO trends for 2024, you will be able to optimize your website and content for the future and achieve your online goals.


What are the SEO trends for 2024?

The SEO trends for 2024 are:

User experience (UX): How to make your website fast, easy to use, and engaging for your visitors.

Mobile optimization: How to ensure your website is responsive and compatible with different devices and screen sizes.

Voice search optimization: How to optimize your content for voice queries and conversational tone.

Video content: How to create and optimize video content for SEO and user engagement.

AI and machine learning (ML): How to leverage AI and ML tools and insights for content creation and optimization.

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness): How to establish and demonstrate your credibility and authority in your niche.

Schema markup: How to use structured data to enhance your website’s appearance and functionality on search engines.

Local SEO: How to optimize your website for local searches and customers.

How can I improve my user experience (UX) for SEO?

To improve your UX for SEO, you need to focus on the following elements:

Page speed: Use tools like [PageSpeed Insights] and [Lighthouse] to measure and improve your page loading time, especially on mobile devices.

Site navigation: Make sure your website has a clear and intuitive structure, with easy-to-find menus, categories, and links. Use breadcrumbs, sitemaps, and internal links to help users and search engines navigate your site.

Content layout: Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, images, and white space to break up your content and make it easier to read and scan. Avoid pop-ups, ads, and other elements that may distract or annoy your visitors.

Mobile-friendliness: Use a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations. Avoid using flash, frames, and other elements that may not work well on mobile devices. To ensure compatibility and usability, test the website on various devices and browsers.

How can I optimize the website for mobile?

To optimize your website for mobile, you need to consider the following aspects:

Responsive design: As mentioned above, use a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes and orientations. Make sure your website looks good and functions well on all devices, from smartphones to tablets to desktops.

Mobile usability: Use tools like [Mobile-Friendly Test] and [Mobile Usability Report] to check and fix any issues that may affect your mobile usability, such as font size, tap targets, viewport configuration, and content width.

Mobile content: Make sure your content is relevant, concise, and engaging for mobile users. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, images, and videos to convey your message and capture attention. Avoid using too much text, large files, and unnecessary elements that may slow down your page or clutter your screen.

How can I optimize the content for voice search?

To optimize your content for voice search, you need to adopt the following strategies:

Use long-tail keywords: Voice queries are usually longer and more specific than text queries, so you need to target long-tail keywords that match the user intent and context. Use tools like [AnswerThePublic] and [AlsoAsked] to find relevant questions and phrases that your audience may use.

Optimize for featured snippets: Featured snippets are the boxes that appear at the top of the search results, providing a quick and direct answer to a query. Voice assistants often use featured snippets as the source for their answers, so you need to optimize your content to rank for them. Use clear and concise language, structured data, and proper formatting to increase your chances of getting featured.

Use schema markup: Schema markup is a code that helps search engines understand the content and structure of your website. By using schema markup, you can provide more information and context to your content, such as ratings, reviews, prices, availability, and locations. This can help you rank better for voice search, as voice assistants can use this data to provide more accurate and relevant answers.

How can I create and optimize video content for SEO?

To create and optimize video content for SEO, you need to follow these steps:

Choose the right platform: Depending on your goals and audience, you can choose to host your videos on your website, on a third-party platform like YouTube or Vimeo, or both. Each option has its pros and cons, so you need to weigh them carefully and decide what works best for you.

Optimize your video title, description, and tags: Use relevant and catchy keywords in your video title, description, and tags, to help search engines and users understand what your video is about and why they should watch it. Use tools like [YouTube Keyword Tool] and [VidIQ] to find and analyze the best keywords for your video.

Add captions and transcripts: Captions and transcripts are the text versions of your video content, which can help you reach a wider and more diverse.

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